Past Graduates
AWI Graduates – Where are they now?
Miles Barritt
Miles entered the AWI Graduate Training program in March 2019, after completing his bachelor’s degree in commerce from The University of Western Australia. Although the civil unrest in Hong Kong and the Global Pandemic hindered his experience in the program, Miles powered through the adversity and was well placed to take on the role of Business Analyst, Risk and Recovery. In this role Miles analyses the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on global marketing strategies and partnership projects, as well as providing insights and strategy development around opportunities and threats to the global supply chain & key markets in terms of trade, manufacturing, and consumption.
Mile Barritt presenting at Longreach Sheep Forum
Emma Murphy
From NSW and alongside Miles, Emma began her journey through the AWI Graduate Training Program in March 2019. Her background in event management, a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Economics, and the recipient of the prestigious Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award, meant she was well placed to thrive across all of the rotations the program had to offer. So much so, that her International Rotation in London was extended to provide invaluable support to our UK office in a time of increased workload. It only made sense that upon her return, Emma would move into our Global Marketing Team, supporting them in the role of Marketing Communications Coordinator.
Emma Murphy representing AWI at the inaugural Elders Walcha Merino Flock Ewe Competition
George Lehmann
Also from NSW, George’s time in the program began in March 2020. Unfortunately for him, it was at a time when the Global Pandemic was just rearing its ugly head across the globe and he spent the first 4 months of the program, working remotely. Additionally, this meant that his international rotations would be postponed and the program ending a bit earlier than anticipated for him. Showing true resilience, this did not dampen George’s enthusiasm or motivation and he rose to the challenge. Coming from a wool growing farm in Junee, tied in with his high energy, maturity and positivity, George made the smooth transition into the Woolgrower Services Team in the role of Project Coordinator, Training and Education in March of 2021.